New & Original in stock Electronic components integrated circuit IC MPU6050
Gyroscope Features
The triple-axis MEMS gyroscope in the MPU-60X0 includes a wide range of features:
Digital-output X-, Y-, and Z-Axis angular rate sensors (gyroscopes) with a user-programmable fullscale range of ±250, ±500, ±1000, and ±2000°/sec
External sync signal connected to the FSYNC pin supports image, video and GPS synchronization
Integrated 16-bit ADCs enable simultaneous sampling of gyros
Enhanced bias and sensitivity temperature stability reduces the need for user calibration
Improved low-frequency noise performance
Digitally-programmable low-pass filter
Gyroscope operating current: 3.6mA
Standby current: 5µA
Factory calibrated sensitivity scale factor
User self-test